PCQC Annual Program Survey

The 2022 Annual Program Survey is closed for the year. Please check back in early 2024 for details on the 2023 Annual Program Survey.

What is the Annual Program Survey?

The PCQC Annual Program Survey is a yearly opportunity for palliative care programs submit data about their program reflecting the previous calendar year. This survey provides actionable data that programs can use to secure, expand and retain resources for delivery of high-quality palliative care, and to support the establishment of new palliative care programs where none exist. Data is collected on all service settings across the continuum of care, including hospital, long-term care, office/clinic, and home-based palliative care. For programs that previously contributed data to the former National Palliative Care Registry™, your historical data is saved in the PCQC registry and you should now complete your annual surveys within the PCQC registry. By submitting the survey, programs become PCQC Advanced Members and access program-level reports in the PCQC data registry. 

New to the Annual Program Survey or the PCQC Registry?

If this is yours or your programs first time completing the Annual Program Survey, you must first complete the Program Profile. The Program Profile includes basic information about your program and establishes the settings and sites in which you provide care. Please use the Program Profile User Guide  that gives detailed instructions on how to set up your Program Profile to get started.

If your program is new to the PCQC Registry and would like to become a Basic Member (completing the Program Profile), please contact PCQC Member Services for next steps. 

Review the 2022 Survey Questions 

Many programs start with the PDF Survey questions before starting to fill out the survey in the registry. There are a handful of questions that you may not know the answer to or may need additional guidance from team members to respond to.


Other Resources for the Annual Program Survey


Ready to Enter Your Data into the Registry? 

Sign in to the PCQC Registry annd get started! 


Access the PCQC Registry


PCQC Measures and Metrics

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